Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Piracy in the Mediterranean

The Israeli Army is giving piracy a bad name.

Not satisfied with flattening Gaza's infrastructure and killing its inhabitants, the "most moral army in the world" (as described in June 2006 by Ehud "I-Colonised-Jerusalem" Olmert) has decided that it was time to show some real muscle by blocking medical aid (the ultimate WMD and a real threat to the existence of peace-loving Israel) the hard way... in international waters, of course.


Whatever happened to old time piracy?

Somali pirates, eat your heart out!
  • The media doesn't like you very much. The mainstream media in the US and Europe loves Israeli pirates.
  • You negociate. Israeli pirates never do.
  • You have rusty rifles. Israeli pirates have artillery.
  • A few hunderd hostages is all you can take. Israeli pirates can take up to 1.5 million hostages in one action.
Bring back Long John Silver!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

... and Pray We Don't Get Fooled Again

"I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around me
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again"

The Who - Composed by Pete Townshend

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Historically Ridiculous

Why do CNN, Fox, the BBC, TF1, ZDF, Al-Jazeera, you-name-it call this particular vote "historic"? The vote is not. The result... perhaps.

Imagine a 2% vote or more for all third parties lumped together despite having been kept out of any debate and having benefited from very little media time. Now that would be historic.

Friday, October 31, 2008


و خمسون ألف رأي آخر

Monday, October 27, 2008

سلاح سورية في مواجهة الإرهاب الأمريكي: التصريحات الصدئة Syria's weapon against U.S. terror: Rusty statements

ألم يعد في سورية من هو أفصح من هذا المهرّج؟
Doesn's Syria has someone more eloquent than this clown?


مع الاعتذار للمهرّجين فهم يقومون بعمل أشرف.
With apologies to clowns since they do a much more honorable job.

تحيين: الثلاثاء 28 تشرين الأول 2008. قررت الحكومة السورية للتوّ إغلاق المدرسة الأميركية و المركز الثقافي الأميركي، و كلاهما في دمشق. المزيد هنا
و هل يكون الرّد غير ذلك؟ إذا هاجمك أحدهم عاقبه بمنع مواطنيك من النفاذ إلى العلم و الثقافة! عظيم. أين يعثرون على تلك الأفكار النيّرة؟

Update: Tuesday, 28 October 2008. The Syrian Government has just decided to close down the American School and the American Cultural Centre, both in Damascus. More info here:
So this is how to respond, isn't it? If someone attacks you, punish them by preventing your citizens from access to education and culture! Where do they find such brilliant ideas?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Le bon vieux temps des croisades

L'AFP en parle ( http://www.lemonde.fr/web/depeches/0,14-0,39-37259687@7-60,0.html )

Le Monde aussi ( http://www.lemonde.fr/proche-orient/article/2008/10/13/a-saint-jean-d-acre-des-affrontements-remettent-en-cause-la-coexistence-entre-juifs-et-arabes_1106144_3218.html#ens_id=1106055 ) en commençant son article par " Depuis quatre jours la cité des croisés est sous tension ". (C'est Gottfried Stutz qui le souligne en utilisant les caractères gras).

TF1 ne râte pas le coche ( http://tf1.lci.fr/infos/monde/moyen-orient/0,,4119390,00-juifs-et-arabes-s-affrontent-depuis-3-nuits-a-st-jean-d-acre-.html )

France 2, chaîne publique, fait plus fort ( http://info.france2.fr/monde/47412329-fr.php )

Mais qu'est-ce qu'ils ont tous à parler de " Saint-Jean d'Acre " ?
Est-ce que vous imaginez un Italien parler de "Lutetia Parisiorum" ?
Dans les deux cas, c'est un terme inventé par des occupants.

C'est Acre tout simplement !

Friday, September 26, 2008

Macca Goes to Tel Aviv

Paul McCartney claims that he is "not a political animal [but] a humanitarian" ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/7636360.stm )

Really? What's wrong with a bit of political awareness?!!!
Isn't it possible for the same person to be both a political animal and a humanitarian?
Should one be a vegetable in order to be a humanitarian?

Oh, how I miss John Lennon and George Harrison.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Anything missing in this picture?

Oh yes, that country. What was its name? Eye-rack? And the other place... er... Af-gaanis-tan, right?

The two main US military engagements (both failed already, if you ask me - or even if you don't) are nowhere to be mentioned today (August 25, 2008) among the top stories on the most mainstream site of the most mainstream US TV channel - "mainstream" at least for viewers outside the US.

Oh yes, there's a little title hidden somewhere about Jill Carroll, but she is one of "us", and the whole affair is really old news.

Apart from lip service to "our boys out there", the benefits of "liberation" and the "insufficient armour", do you want to bet that Iraqis and Afghans will not be among the themes of the US presidential campaign?

Something else missing? What about other parties and candidates?

Since the race is tight, according to CNN's own polls (I'm not linking to CNN. I'll do it only when I want to blast or praise one of its items), shouldn't those parties be included in the "math", let alone including them for the mere sake of democracy?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

US Democrats beware: The Pakistanis did it!

Under the threat of an impeachment procedure, Mushrraf finally resigned.
The American political system remains unable to produce such a democratic opportunity.

The Cheney/Bush Administration (no, it's not the Bush/Cheney Administration) goes on committing crime after crime but here is how Nancy Pelosi sums up her voluntary cowardice shamelessly: "You can't talk about impeachment unless you have the facts, and you can't have the facts unless you have cooperation from the Administration." Just imagine an Administration willing to cooperate in order to chop off its own head!!!

In the meantime, Iraqis and Afghans keep getting murdered and their countries plundered under US occupation.

What could we make of that?
Does Pakistan have a healthier political system than the US of A?

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

بعد اعتماد الحكومة السورية النموذج الصّيني، محافظة دمشق تعتمد النموذج الصهيوني

"محافظة دمشق تشدد على أنها لن تتراجع عن القرار رقم 281 القاضي باستملاك الحي ومحيطه لتجنب مضاعفات اجتماعية واقتصادية بالرغم من صدور سبعة اقتراحات بقوانين عن مجلس الشعب توصي بإلغاء الاستملاك، من بينها اقتراح عام 1982 أشارت مقدمته إلى "أن الاقتراح تم بناء على توجيهات السيد رئيس الجمهورية لأمين فرع دمشق للحزب" ، وقرارات وتوصيات أخرى حكومية وأهلية (بالمئات) ، وآخر أممي اعتبر مدينة دمشق الواقعة داخل السور القديم منطقة أثرية يمنع فيها الهدم والبناء والترميم وشق الطرق."

المقال بكامله هنا :


ما تنسى كاتبة المقال ذكره، على الرّغم من الحقائق و الدّقائق التي يحويها، هو أنّ رئيس الجمهورية يمكنه إلغاء الاستملاك مباشرة بمرسوم جمهوريّ إذ أنّ الاستملاكات تمّت بموجب مراسيم من النّوع نفسه، و لكن من يجرؤ على ذكر مقام الرئاسة المقدّس؟

Saturday, July 05, 2008

What the hell is happening in Seydnaya prison?!!!

Are we ever going to know exactly what happened today?

مجزرة جديدة في سجن صيدنايا

مصادر حقوقية: مقتل 25 في عصيان بسجن سوري

Rather than send a president and a minister to get a sun tan with Nicolas Sarkozy on Place de la Concorde during the Bastille Day parade, the Syrian regime has a duty to inform its people about that prison, to stop the killing immediately, to hold fair trials, and to free all political and opinion prisoners.

Friday, June 27, 2008

عدوى التنميط تنتقل إلى صحافة الإنترنت السورية

طالعتنا سيريانيوز هذا الصباح بمقالٍ عنوانه "الماتادور الاسباني يروض الدب الروسي بالثلاثة ويصعد لنهائي الأمم الأوروبية" . متى صارت القولبة على طريقة المعلّق الرّياضيّ الفرنسي تييري رولان المعروف بعنصريّته مقبولة ؟
هل كان معلّق سيريانيوز سيتقبّل فرضاً تعليقاً من قبيل "الأمير الكويتي يقلي فلافل بائع الروبابيكيا المصريّ بهدفين يَقطِران نفطاً"؟
ما علاقة ذلك بالرّياضة؟

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Miracle du XXe siècle ?!!!

Ehud Olmert dans Libération du 11 juin 2008:

Il n’y a pas si longtemps, au cours d’une conversation privée, le Président français m’a dit qu’il pensait que l’établissement de l’État d’Israël était le miracle du XXe siècle."

Voici maintenant le véritable miracle du XXI
e siècle : le premier flic de France qui parlait de "racaille" et de "Kärcher" a été élu président en 2007.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Since the US-Led Invasion...

And now, the American invasion is producing another "side effect" which was easily foreseeable: Depleting Iraq of its Christians.

The archbishop, 65, was the latest in a long line of Chaldean clerics to be abducted in Iraq since the US-led invasion in March 2003."


"The Chaldeans are the largest sect within Iraq's Christian community, which was estimated at 800,000 before the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.

Many have left their homes after attacks linked to the continuing insurgency."



Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Saturday, January 19, 2008

At last, some hope! أخيراً، قليل من الأمل

Those people have set an example to be followed:

أعطانا أهل الضبية مثالاً يُقتدى به
